Rumus Passive Voice dan Contohnya, Acuan Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang Mudah Dipahami!

Rabu 22-05-2024,15:20 WIB
Reporter : Rury Pramesti
Editor : Rury Pramesti


  • (+) Subject + Will/Shall + Verb + Object atau Subject + to be (am/is/are) Going to + Verb + Object
  • (-) Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Verb + Object atau Subject + to be (am/is/are) + Not + Going to + Verb + Object


  • (+) My boyfriend is going to meet me in my house
  • (-) My boyfriend is not going to meet me in my house

5. Rumus Passive Voice Past Continuos Tense

Tense ini seringkali digunakan untuk menunjukkan hal di masa lalu.

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  • (+) Subject + to be (was/were) + Verb-ing
  • (-) Subject + to be (was/were) + Not + Verb-ing


  • (+) Joshua was shouting for the whole night
  • (-) Joshua was not shouting for the whole night

Itu dia beberapa rumus kalimat passive voice lengkap dengan contohnya dan bisa dijadikan acuan belajar yang mudah dipahami. Semoga bermanfaat!

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