Pediasure Rp 165.500
Luwak white Rp 11.900
Kapal api Rp 11.900
Sosro teh celup Rp 5.400
Super sol Rp 13.600
Ekonomi sabun cuci piring Rp 8.500
Harpic Rp 18.900
Som klin deterjen cair Rp 16.00
Total deterjen bubuk Rp 15.800Kao attack Rp 37.900
Rinso bubuk Rp 21.500
Rejoice Rp 19.900
Head and Shoulders Rp 21.900
ZEN Rp 19.900
Sunsilk Rp 20.500
Glow and Lovely Rp 19.200