Prabowo Ungkap Pimpinan Perusahaan di AS Percaya Atas Ekonomi Indonesia

Selasa 12-11-2024,11:37 WIB
Reporter : Bianca Khairunnisa
Editor : Khomsurijal W
Prabowo Ungkap Pimpinan Perusahaan di AS Percaya Atas Ekonomi Indonesia

5. Vice President for Federal Government Relations & International Affairs Freeport Mcmoran J.J. Ong

6. Vice Chairman, S&P Global, Dr. Daniel Yergin

7. CEO Ge Healthcare, Peter Arduini

8. Executive Vice President, Government Operations, Boeing, Ziad Ojakli

9. President Boeing Southeast Asia, Penny Burt

10. Retired Partner, Capital Group, F. Chapman Taylor

11. VP and Head of International Affairs, BP America, The Honorable Robert Scher

12. Senior Director, International Government Relations, Exxonmobil Peter Lavoy

13. Vice President of International Government Relations, Exxonmobil Kurt Stuckwisch

14. Managing Director and Global Head of Strategic Development Partnership Former Interim CEO and COO, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Citi, Stephanie Von Friedeburg

15. Vice President of Asia Pasific, Middle East & Africa, Global Government & Corprorate Affairs, Caterpillar, Murali M Krishnan

16. Senior Director Government Affairs, Asia-Pasific And Eurasia, Chevron, Craig Hall

BACA JUGA:Polisi Olah TKP Hari Ini, Pasca Tabrakan Beruntun di Tol Cipularang dengan Metode TAA

17. Dean of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, Dean Joel Hellman

18. Ph. D, Incoming Rector of Georgetown Asia Pasific in Jakarta Georgetown University, Professor Yuhki Tajima

19. Senior Vice President for Partnership and Online of Purdue University, Dimitrios Peroulis

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