18.45-19.45 WIB - Joyce Wrice
21.45-21.45 WIB - The Family Stone
22.45-23.45 WIB - Warna
Hall B2
17.45-18.45 WIB - Leo Amuedo with Sri Hanuraga, Kevin Yosua, Elfa Zulham
19.45-20.45 WIB - Thiago Genthil with Barry Likumahuwa
21.45-22.45 WIB - KSP Band
Brava Hall
16.45-17.45 WIB - Youngkeys & His Playground feat Marcelia Lesar
18.45-19.45 WIB - Ron King Big Band
20.45-21.45 WIB - Rai Thistlethwayte
22.45-23.45 WIB - Michael Paulo Band
Teh Botol Sosro Hall
17.30-18.30 WIB - Maliq & D'Essentials
19.30-20.45 WIB - Laufey
21.45-22.45 WIB - Marcel feat Oslo Ibrahim and Teza Sumendra