Cuaca DKI Jakarta Hari Ini Diperkirakan Paginya Semua Turun Hujan, Siang Sampai Sore Juga?

Cuaca DKI Jakarta Hari Ini Diperkirakan Paginya Semua Turun Hujan, Siang Sampai Sore Juga?

Cuaca DKI Jakarta hari ini diperkirakan pada pagi harinya akan turun hujan di seluruh wilayah---Freepik

- Malam: Cerah Berawan

BACA JUGA:Update Prakiraan Cuaca DKI Jakarta Hari Ini, Sabtu 20 Januari 2024: Hujan Cuma di Satu Titik?

Indonesia is a country that experiences hot weather even though it has entered the rainy season.

Especially when the weather is very sunny, the weather feels very hot, not much different from the last dry season.

According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), 2023 is considered to be the hottest year since the last 100,000 years.

However, BMKG has also predicted that the extreme hot weather in 2024 will not pass.

Even this year's extreme hot weather is predicted to experience an increase in temperature.

BMKG explained that the increase in temperature during the dry season in 2024 was caused by the same issue.

Namely global warming and climate change throughout the world. Indonesia will be hit again.

Meanwhile, according to a report by The Guardian, quoted Wednesday, January 17 2024, a NASA scientist, James Hansen, said that the earth's temperature will increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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"We are now in the process of entering a world with a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius," he said.

More clearly, Hansen revealed that prolonged global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels.

Not only that, Hansen also said that the problem was exacerbated by the emergence of the El Nino phenomenon.

El Nino strikes repeatedly and occurs naturally.

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