Daftar Lengkap Pemenang TikTok Awards Indonesia 2023, Ada Fuji Hingga Tiara Andini!

Jumat 13-10-2023,15:14 WIB
Reporter : Amanda Fanny
Editor : Amanda Fanny

4. Best of Gaming

  • Joel Eliezer

5. Best of Sports

  • Timotius Mulyadi

6. Best of Health & Wellness

  • dr. Kevin Mak

7. Best of Foodie

  • Nanakoot

8. Best of Learning & Education

  • Raymond Chin

BACA JUGA:Potret Dini Sera Afrianti, Tiktoker yang Tewas Usai Diduga Dianiaya Kekasihnya, Anak Anggota DPR

BACA JUGA:TikTok Shop Resmi Ditutup, Pedagang Masih Tetap Bisa Jualan, 'Check Out Pindah ke Lapak Orange atau Wawa Gaes!'

Pemenang Public’s Vote:

1. Rising Star of The Year

  • Pandawara Group

2. Celebrity of The Year

  • Fuji

3. Popular Creator of The Year

  • Erika Richardo

4. Popular Song of The Year

Sial - Mahalini Raharja

5. Musician of The Year

  • Tiara Andini

6. TikTok Live of The Year

  • Vidhiya

7. Affiliate Creator of The Year

  • Louisse Scarlett
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