Gibran Rakabuming Disebut Netizen 'Gobloknya Minta Ampun', Begini Respons Putra Sulung Jokowi

Gibran Rakabuming Disebut Netizen 'Gobloknya Minta Ampun', Begini Respons Putra Sulung Jokowi---Istimewa
Then Gibran also added a tweet regarding tips for using sour vegetables so they don't get tough.
"Add the sour water last so that the vegetables don't become tough due to the sour taste. When boiling vegetables for tamarind vegetables, boil the hard vegetables first, such as sweet corn and melinjo fruit, then add the softer vegetables," he explained.
However, there was a netizen who suddenly replied to Gibran's tweet, who didn't know what he meant but seemed to corner President Jokowi's eldest son.
"Gibran is an idiot, I'm sorry," concluded X's Twitter account @Yamin71680430.
However, Gibran was not at all angry with the netizen's tweet on Twitter X.
Gibran Rakabuming Raka responded to the netizen's tweet by apologizing to him for his mistake.
"Yes, sir. Sorry, I was wrong," replied Gibran, adding three joined hands emoticons.
A number of other netizens also responded and commented on the tweet on Twitter X.
"The people at
"Those who have tantrums and don't accept reality, Mr. Purnomo is ready to help."
"Mas Gibran replied with 'sorry' like there was a 'sorry' promotion in the supermarket. Buy one get free, be patient!"
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