20 Ucapan Valentine Bahasa Inggris Ini Pas Banget Disampaikan untuk Sahabat, Tinggal Copy Paste!

20 Ucapan Valentine Bahasa Inggris Ini Pas Banget Disampaikan untuk Sahabat, Tinggal Copy Paste!

Siapa saja sahabat terdekatmu, layak kamu ucapkan di hari Valentine dengan bahasa Inggris-Foto/Freepik/@marymarkevich-

8. “Good buddies make life more enjoyable and humorous. To each of my dear buddies, I wish you a ton of love and success on Valentine’s Day.”

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9. “For the world you are just my best friend, but I know how you are also my sister, my mother, my teacher, my eternal partner. I love you best friend. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

10. “I want to celebrate this valentine’s day by celebrating the one I hold close to my heart. And it’s you. Happy valentines day my friend!”

11. “Sending my warm wishes to my lovely friend. Wish you a lifetime of happiness and everlasting love. Happy Valentine Day.”

12. “Thanks for being here by my side and participating in all kinds of stupidity with me. Always grateful for having you, my friend. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

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13. “Happy Valentine’s Day to my gorgeous friend. Don’t forget me in search of your prince charming.”

14. “No one in the world understands me as you do. I am so thankful I have you. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

15. “Up until you entered my life, you were the sister and friend I never realized I needed. On this Valentine’s Day, my sincere wishes are with you.”

16. “Happy valentine’s Day, my beloved friend. Wishing you a day filled with joy, love, and precious moments.”

17. “Valentine’s day is all about love, and to me, love is our friendship. I wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day.”

18. “You are the kind of friend who will never let me feel alone. I’m lucky I have a friend like you to spend my valentine’s day with. Love you buddy!”

19. “Your friendship and love are too special to be celebrated in one day. Thank you for making my life complete and perfect. Happy valentine’s day to you!”

20. “You’re the most caring and loving friend I have always had. May this valentine’s day bring you peace and satisfaction in abundance. Have a great time with your loved one!”

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