Warganet Buat Gerakan 'Unfollow Akun Medsos Jokowi', Buntut Kecewa Sebut Presiden Boleh Ikut Memihak dan Kampanye?

Warganet Buat Gerakan 'Unfollow Akun Medsos Jokowi', Buntut Kecewa Sebut Presiden Boleh Ikut Kampanye?-tangkapan layar youtube-
“Waduh pak @jokowi yg terhormat ????????, dua kali saya pilih bapak mendengar statement bpk saya kecewa perihal pandangan kepeberpihakan bpk tentang pilpres… Alangkah bpk lebih elok dan satria menjadi bpk bangsa yg tidak ikit campur urusan pilpres ini pak… ,” ungkap netter lainnya.
BACA JUGA:Prabowo: Kami Tak Malu-malu, Kami Timnya Pak Jokowi
Netizens flocked to make movements to stop following President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) social media accounts.
Many netizens were disappointed with Jokowi's statement saying that the president could choose and campaign during the election.
Therefore, netizens are now busy making movements to stop or unfollow Jokowi's social media accounts.
Netizens who are busy unfollowing Jokowi's social media accounts are on X or what was previously known as Twitter.
A number of netizens who carried out the movement to unfollow Jokowi's social media accounts came from loyal supporters of President Jokowi who have voted for him since the 2014 presidential election.
One of the X accounts that stopped following Jokowi's social media account on X was Yusuf Dumdum.
Yusuf Dumdum admitted that he had unfollowed X Jokowi's account, and wished the president good health.
"Sorry sir @jokowi, I unfollowed you. Always healthy sir," tweeted the X account @yusuf_dumdum, quoted on Monday 29 January 2024.
Apart from that, there were also a number of supporters or sympathizers of President Jokowi who took the same action.
Sympathizers feel they have been lied to by President Jokowi.
“@jokowi, I have supported you for 2 terms, at my workplace, I always put my body up for you. Sorry, at this time I decided to unfollow, because you have lied a lot," wrote one netizen.
"Wow, dear Mr @jokowi ????????, twice I chose you, hearing your statement, I was disappointed regarding your partisan view of the presidential election... How much more beautiful and noble you are to be the father of a nation that doesn't interfere in the affairs of this presidential election, sir. …," said another netter.
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